21 Oct 2012

What's for Br-egg-fast?

I am a true believer in the idea of tasting everything and eating in moderation. I like to try different foods and use a variety of ingredients in our meals. Although I believe kids should themselves choose what they want to eat, I also believe in exposing them to as many different ingredients as possible. Only when ingredients appear in our diet in moderation and not in excess can they truly benefit us. Too much of something is always bad.

Egg souffle for brunch 
Since day one my son has had a problem with eggs and/or bread as part of his breakfast. It is usually porridge or wheat-flakes that take him to cloud nine but nothing else will do; especially eggs. Since he could eat solids, eggs never really tasted good. No matter how I tried it eggs was a 'no-no'; no omelette, sunny-side-up, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled or poached eggs did the trick

For a while I felt quite disappointed since one of my childhood favorite breakfast options involved eggs. I still remember my mother's  egg-in-a-cup breakfast.  She would soft-boil an egg, place it in a coffee cup, add small pieces of bread and a pinch of salt and scramble those together with a fork. Bread mixed up with the white and liquid yellow of the egg was a delicious breakfast option and I enjoyed every spoonful.

Lately my son started getting interested in helping out in the kitchen. Every time I approach the stove to cook something he always offers to help out. One morning I decided to boil an egg for me and he insisted on helping out; so he did. Once at the table he asked if he could taste some. Since then I offer him the option of a boiled egg for his Sunday breakfast and he accepts gladly. I am happy again :)

Eggs are known for being rich in protein but they also include many other vitamins; namely folicic acid, vitamin B6 and B12 and iron. Also, eggs help with muscle strength, provide important vitamins to during a pregnancy, promote better eyesight and help with the brain development of a foetus.

Having open the 'egg' gates with my son, I decided to add it little by little to his weekend breakfast. Another favorite of mine through the years has been αυγόφετες (avgofetes). Avgofetes is my family's version of french toast sans the sugar. So, it is simply toast dipped in egg and milk and then fried lightly in sunflower oil. Heavier than a boiled egg but delicious nonetheless  To my surprise my son loved it too!

Navigate through the 'breakfast' section of my blog for great 'egg' related recipes.

Enjoy :)  

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